Stung By Bees But Honestly, That Wasn't The Worst Of It!

Описание к видео Stung By Bees But Honestly, That Wasn't The Worst Of It!

Mr. Dale called me about a colony of honey bees that had taken up residency in his daughter's crawlspace & that he wanted to keep the bees. No problem!

The colony had definitely moved in the previous season & due to the Chinese Tallow Tree nectar flow having just kicked in, the hive was extremely active!

The bees themselves were fairly gentle albeit I did take at least 20 stings removing the hive, but I never get mad at bees I'm evicting with zero notice!

The real pain in the you know what on this job was twofold: I was sandwiched against hog chain wire fencing & this main water or sewer line & the fact that I had to lay on this pipe the entire duration of the removal process!

Everything worked out in the end even though I had back & neck issues for at least a few days afterwards & Mr. Dale got a delightful, productive honey bee colony out of the deal.

Thank you for stopping by to view my channel, glad to see you here, JP.


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