Watery Grave - GhastlyBleepBloop

Описание к видео Watery Grave - GhastlyBleepBloop

Gathered round the kelp, moonlight drippin' in the cave
Chanting deep and rhythmic walkin' what the ocean gave
Tentacles twitchin' shadows shiftin' on the wall
Ancient evil answerin' heed the cult's enthrall

Sacrifice the skipper toss him in the briny stew
Tentacles snatch and swallow chants grow wild and new
The ocean floor is tremblin' the crust begins to crack
Octopus man emerges bringin' madness on his back

His beak cracks open wide a maw of gnashing teeth
Shreds of sunken treasure clingin' 'tween coral wreath
Eight eyes obsidian glowin' with cruel delight
Locks onto cultists hunger burnin' bright
But fear ain't in their faces just a twisted gleeful grin

Welcome Octo-king their voices echo in the cave
Unleash your inky fury send them to a watery grave
But pause a ripple in the chanting a discordant note
The Octo-king hesitates his gaze caught in someone's throat

A young initiate eyes wide trident shaking in his hand
Fear flickers for a moment a flicker Octo-man commands
Doubt he bellows voice a booming ocean roar
Power's not for weaklings trembling on the shore

You crave the ocean's wrath but can you take the cost
The surface world in ruins shows a briny endless frost
No sunlight choked by kelp the cities become cold and stark
The only the creatures of the deep will leave their feeding mark
The young initiate falters his grip on trident weak
The Octo-king circles him and his limbs will churn the meek
The future that you dreamt of is an endless water tomb
Air is thin and life clings to a luminescent gloom

A murmur ripples through the cult and eyes flicker with doubt
The Octo-king lets out a booming laugh they stir a shrieking shout
Choose wisely power comes at a price a salty chilling cost
Will you drown with the world or breathe free with all the ocean lost

#octopus #cultrap #bass #trap #trapbeat #eviltrap


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