Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) Part 74 - Rhen Var Harbor Conquest

Описание к видео Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) Part 74 - Rhen Var Harbor Conquest

In this episode of my let's play Star Wars Battlefront 2 2005 Instant Action segment. I play on Rhen Var Harbor in the Clone Wars era in conquest mode. Rhen Var Harbor is one of the DLC maps that has been added to Star Wars Battlefront 2 2005 for Xbox. During the battle, I showcase the 2 new DLC heroes for both the Republic and CIS. The 2 new heroes are Kit Fisto for the Republic, and Assaj Ventress for the CIS. Kit Fisto has a new force orb power for taking out droideka shields, new lightsaber swing animation, and new running attack. Ventress has the new starblades power up which she can spread multiple little lightsabers around an area and hurt multiple clones. Ventress also has a new lightsaber block animation in which she swings her lightsabers which can perhaps hurt clones too.


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