I resolved 2,171,687 subdomains in 3 minutes with puredns and axiom-scan

Описание к видео I resolved 2,171,687 subdomains in 3 minutes with puredns and axiom-scan

Inspired by this:   / 1766946798260601007  


00:00 - Starting a fleet of axiom instances
04:44 - Fleet is starting to be initiated
08:40 - Fleet is ready, 19 machines waiting orders
08:42 - cat roots.txt - checking what domains I am allowed to hunt on the Yahoo! program
08:57 - cat ~/.axiom/modules/puredins-single.json - checking puredns modules for axiom-scan, to confirm what the command needs to be
10:14 - downloading the Jason Haddix wordlist for subdomains
10:49 - running axiom-scan with the puredns-single module on 2,171,687 subdomains of yahoo.com
14:17 - scan done
14:15 - adding findings to alldomains.txt for Yahoo, with cat & anew

Commands history:

2050 axiom-fleet demo -i 19
2051 cat roots.txt
2052 clear
2053 cat roots.txt
2054 cat ~/.axiom/modules/puredns-bruteforce.json
2055 cat ~/.axiom/modules/puredns-single.json.json
2056 cat ~/.axiom/modules/puredns-single.json
2057 clear
2058 cat ~/.axiom/modules/puredns-resolve.json
2059 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dan...
2060 wc dns-Jhaddix.txt
2061 axiom-scan dns-Jhaddix.txt -m puredns-single yahoo.com -o puredns.yahoo.com.log
2062 wc puredns.yahoo.com.log
2063 vim puredns.yahoo.com.log
2064 ls
2065 head alldomains.txt
2066 cat puredns.yahoo.com.log | anew alldomains.txt
2067 axiom-rm -rf demo*


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