Ice Cream Making Process Inside The Factory | AWESOME FOOD PROCESSING

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Hello friends, today we will show you another exciting video. Here you will see the Ice Cream Making Process inside the factory. And much more, So we hope you will watch the full video.

#Satkahon #Food #Technology #Factory

Ice Cream Production Process:
While ice cream is available in a mixture of forms, including fancy items such as chocolate-dipped bars and sandwiches. The information below applies to ice cream that is package in pint and half-gallon containers.

Blending Of Mixture:
First, the ingredients are based on the desired formulation and recipe calculation from the formula, and the selected ingredients are chosen, then the ingredients are weighed and blended which requires rapid movement of the mixture to produce the outcome known as “ice cream mix” and often high-speed mixer is used.

Pasteurizing Of Mixture:
The mixture is then pasteurized. The biological control point of the pasteurization system is designed to destroy pathogenic bacteria. In addition to this very important function, pasteurization reduces the number of predators such as psychotropics and helps to hydrate certain elements (proteins, stabilizers). Pasteurization (Ontario regulations): 69 °C / 30 min. 80 °C / 25C. Both batches of pasteurizer and continuous (HTST) method are used.

Homogenization Of The Mixture:
The mixture is also homogenized, breaking down or reducing the size of the fat globules found in milk or cream to less than 1 mm, to form a fat emulsion. Homogenization is usually preferred for ice cream mixes. Fat clamping or clustering is reduced, resulting in a thinner, more rapid whipping mixture. Melting is also improved. Homogenization ice cream production provides the following functions:
● Reduces the size of fat globules
● Increases the surface area
● Membrane formation
● Makes it possible to use butter, frozen cream, etc.
It also has the following indirect effects on fat formation:
● Makes a smooth ice cream
● Gives a greater apparent wealth and prosperity
● Good air stability
● Increases resistance to melting

The Age Of The Mixture Is Increasing:
The mixture is then at least four hours old and usually aged overnight. This allows the fat to cool and crystallize and to fully hydrate proteins and polysaccharides. Aging provides the following functions:
● The blend and texture of the body and ice-cream improves the whipping qualities
It does this by:
● Fat provides time for crystallization so that the fat can be partially consolidated;
● Allow time for a complete protein and stabilizer hydration and a consequently slight increase in viscosity;
● Allows time for membrane rearrangement and protein/emulsifier interactions, as emulsifiers displace proteins from the fat globular surface, which can reduce the stability of fat globules and increase partial solidification.

The Flavor Of Ice Cream:
The ice cream is pumped into stainless steel vats, containing up to 500 gallons of each mixture. The flavors are piped into vats and mixed well.

Freezing Or Whipping Of Ice Cream:
After processing the mixture, the mixture is drawn into a scented tank where any liquid flavor, fruit purée, or color is added. The mixture enters the dynamic freezing process, which both freezes a portion of the water and whips the air into the frozen mixture. The "barrel" freezer is a scraped-surface, tubular heat exchanger, jacketed with boiling refrigerant such as ammonia or Freon. The mixture is pumped through this freezer and the water is frozen for about 50 seconds to 30 seconds, or in the case of a batch freezer, it is pulled to the other end within 10 to 15 minutes. The inside of the barrel has a rotating blade that removes the ice from the surface of the freezer and dashes inside the machine, which helps to whip the mixture and consolidate the air.


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