The Practical (and Subtle) Differences Between Traits and Abstract Classes in Scala | Rock the JVM

Описание к видео The Practical (and Subtle) Differences Between Traits and Abstract Classes in Scala | Rock the JVM

Written version:

This video is for the Scala programmer who is just getting started with OO concepts in Scala (perhaps coming from another OO language like Java). After reading about traits and abstract classes, you might be wondering how abstract classes and traits are fundamentally different because the overlap is so great. In this video, I'll share
- how big the overlap is
- two practical (almost "mechanical") differences between abstract classes and traits in Scala
- one difference which will go away when Scala 3 arrives
- the subtle difference between Scala traits and abstract classes which will make the most difference in your codebase as it expands

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0:00 intro
1:02 the inheritance model, defining traits and abstract classes
2:52 the overlap
5:43 practical difference #1
6:27 practical difference #2
8:16 subtle, conceptual difference


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