Mega Man 3 - Buster Only Speedrun

Описание к видео Mega Man 3 - Buster Only Speedrun

19.08.2021, the day when I finally made it.
Here I present you:
Mega Man 3 - the entire game in one single segment, deathless, E-tankless, glitchless, of course buster only, and on top of that - speedrunning. :)
Played on FCEUX 2.3.0, the NES emulator for PC. My controls: Z, X, arrows, Enter

This is the peak of all my Mega Man strives. This video is literally my childhood dreams come true. Since ever, I've always wanted to do this. This was my ultimate goal in all Mega Man games. To pass MM3, in one single run, I mean speedrun, without death, without the usage of E-tanks, glitchless, and of course buster only (for me, that's just the natural way to play Mega Man games)
And, MM3 is IMO the hardest of them all to pass this way: at least 5-6 bosses can always screw you up, specially Doc Quick and Doc Wood. Those 2 are among the hardest MM bosses ever, with Doc Wood being the hardest one ever (to beat with buster only and no E-tanks, that is). Also many traps in the stages. This literally took years of practicing, but finally here it is.
To my knowledge, this is undone until now: all other MM3 buster speedruns I've seen, they all contain many deaths and E-tank usages.

Also, to mention that I did this speedrun in the hardest possible order: playing Needle and Shadow respectively as last 2 Robot Master stages, then Doc Quick's and Doc Wood's stages respectively as last 2 Doc Robot stages, and in Boss rush fighting all 8 bosses in order, starting with Needle ending with Shadow :)

Anyways, I'm planning to improve this even further, as I've made some mistakes here (mostly handling the menu), where I lost a lot of time. This kind of speedrun can definitely be done under 48 mins. I'll keep attempting after some more practicing, and hopefully I'll be able to do it. However, for my first time, this is more than good, I'm pleased. :)

I also did Mega Man 3 buster run under the same rules:
   • Mega Man 3 - Buster only run (no deat...  

And now, let's walk through this Mega Man 3 buster speedrun:

00:13 Gemini - decent stage, not the best not the worst. The bossfight, little slow, better next time.
03:21 Top - could've done the cat midbosses faster. Again, next time. 04:42 I swear, at least 10 previous attempts I've jumped through this last spin, but this time MM just had to land on it. Bossfight - good.
05:42 Snake - the snake midbosses (06:00, 06:43) is it a glitch if you slide through snake instead of killing it? Anyone knows? Not sure so I killed them here. Other than that,good stage. Bossfight a little slow, will practice.
08:42 Spark - good stage. As promised in my MM3 buster run last year, the trick at 08:48 is now there. Bossfight - good.
11:01 Magnet - Proto's fight a little slow but nothing big. The rest, OK stage. Decent bossfight. Even better next time.
13:25 Hard - good stage. Practiced some small tricks to improve it next time even more. Good Proto's fight. Bossfight - here ok, but practiced fight's beginning for the next time.
16:10 Needle - overall decent stage. 16:16 - you know these annoying situations... Bossfight - his pattern was awful and I missed so many shots (I don't normally when I just fight him for practicing). Hopefully better next time
18:39 Shadow Man - I just love killing the guy at 18:47 in one jump. Proto's fight - so so. First half of the stage can be faster, will practice. Bossfight - just perfect.
21:09 Doc Needle - other than a small mistake at 23:21, the rest is good. Both bossfights good too.
24:22 Doc Gemini - a couple small mistakes in the first segment but nothing too big. The part at 25:11 is so hard to do mistakeless, but did it here. Bad start of Doc Flash's fight, but then I concentrated. Got lucky with the energy refills so was able to kill Doc Bubble quickly. However, that fight can be done even faster, will improve it next time.
27:56 Doc Spark - first menu mistake at 28:06. Lost at least 10 secs. Doc Metal fight not the best but ok. Second part several mistakes, too slow. Will improve. Doc Quick - I was focused so all good.
31:09 Doc Shadow - overall the level was good. 32:11 the moment of truth - very good. I wish every Doc Wood's fight was like that. Doc Heat - so so. Not so bad, but made some mistakes, could've been better.
34:47 Proto's fight, decent, maybe a little slow.
35:32 Wily 1 - fine stage and bossfight. 36:29 - did it :)
37:20 Wily 2 - the worst. Did the jump at the beginning, that's good. But, at 37:43 the mistakes started, and didn't stop through the entire level. First, that first bee. Then, second bee+menu mistake at 37:49. And, an awful bossfight with 5 loops, the worst part of the run. This stage alone took at least 15-20 secs.
39:47 Wily 3 - good level and bossfight.
41:05 Wily 4 boss rush - Needle not perfect but ok, Magnet bad, Gemini decent, Hard decent, Top great, Snake can be better, Spark fine, Snadow so-so
46:20 Wily 5, Machine - good fight, great actually.
47:57 Wily 6, Gamma, good fight
48:21 - HELL YEAH ! :)


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