15 Most Dangerous Banned Kids Toy Ever

Описание к видео 15 Most Dangerous Banned Kids Toy Ever

You might look back on your Teddy or your favorite doll with nostalgia. But not everything in your childhood toy chest deserves a comeback. And that’s because some toys from the 20th century, and even some from as recently as last year, have caused serious harm to unsuspecting kids.
These "very dangerous toys," which have now become banned, thankfully, are the focus of our video today. Join us as we explore a compilation of the top 15 most hazardous toys ever. Let’s get right to it!

Easy Bake Oven:
The Easy Bake Oven, a beloved Hasbro creation, is a small wonder in the world of kids' toys. It comes with cake mix packets and tiny round pans, turning any child into a mini pastry chef.
But in 2007, this delightful toy found itself in hot water. A whopping million recalls were issued due to a tricky predicament.
Here's the scoop: 250 cases rolled in, telling tales of little fingers and hands getting stuck in the oven's intricate workings. This, sadly, resulted in some painful burns and, in a few chilling cases like partial finger amputations. Not a very appetizing outcome!
But don't fret. Today's version of the Easy Bake Oven has gone through a complete makeover, with all safety issues tackled head-on. So, you can now let your budding bakers whip up treats in the Easy Bake Oven without the worry of them losing a finger.

Lawn Darts:
Lawn darts, known by the nickname "Jarts," were initially designed for leisurely games on the grass, resembling horseshoes but with a twist.
These little steel missiles with weighted skewers quickly turned heads and became the favorite plaything.

Yo-Yo Water Balls
Yo-Yo Water Balls, with their squishy water-filled spheres attached to stretchy cords, faced some heavy criticism and safety concerns. Some folks worried that the cord could be a strangulation hazard, the liquid inside might be toxic, and the entire gadget could go up in flames.

Fisher-Price Power Wheels
In the late 1990s, Fisher-Price's battery-powered ride-on vehicles, known as Power Wheels, found themselves at the center of a fiery controversy. These beloved toys designed for children's delight turned into potential fire hazards, and nine innocent children suffered severe burns at the hands of these supposed playthings.

Aqua Dots
Aqua Dots, a smash-hit plaything in 2007, were tiny, vibrant beads that could be fashioned into all sorts of cool designs and secured with water.

The swinging sensation of the late '60s and early '70s, Clackers, was all about two hefty balls, often made of rock-hard acrylic, hanging from a string.

The Austin Magic Pistol:
The 1950s were a time when BB pistols were considered rather harmless. In the midst of it all, the Austin Magic Pistol stepped onto the stage, setting itself apart with its interesting gas-powered mechanism.

Imagine a world of creativity and fun, where Magnetix building sets were the bridge to endless possibilities. These sets came with plastic pieces, but these weren't just any pieces. They concealed a hidden secret, small yet mighty magnets tucked inside. It was a child's dream, but it soon turned into a parent's nightmare.

Barbie and Tanner
Barbie aimed to teach the ropes of responsible pet care with her Barbie and Tanner combo. Tanner, the dog, had a knack for chomping down on some grub and dealing with the leftovers.

CSI: Asbestos
Imagine a thrilling episode of "CSI" brought to life for curious children with the CSI Fingerprint Examination Kit. This kit empowered young detectives to explore fingerprint-hunting adventures, using specialized powder and brushes.

Leatherman Children’s Multi-Tool
As we all know, kids emulate what their parents do. And so, when a young boy gets the chance to “fix” things around the house like dad does, he’s going to take it. To do that, a multi-tool can come in very handy, unless it’s the recently recalled Leatherman Children’s Multi-Tool.

Slap Bracelets
The late '80s and early '90s were all about the slap bracelets craze. But they quickly gained infamy due to a hidden menace, a sharp metal concealed within.

Kick Scooters
Kick scooters, those wheels of adventure, are everywhere, but they pack a punch in the injury department.

Enormous Sword-Like Firework Wonders
Fireworks, those exciting and somewhat risky playthings, have an innate charm for many, both young and old. You could say the thrill of danger often adds to the fun.

Sky Dancers Flying Dolls
Sky Dancers, which dominated toy shelves in the late '90s, were rigid plastic dolls with wing-like arms designed for aerial acrobatics. But here's the twist: these dolls sometimes took matters into their own hands, zooming straight into unsuspecting kids and causing eye injuries, busted teeth, cuts, broken ribs, and even concussions.


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