গরু চোর দিহান | Goruchor Dihan | Dihan | দিহানের নাটক | Dihaner Comedy Natok | Yes Power

Описание к видео গরু চোর দিহান | Goruchor Dihan | Dihan | দিহানের নাটক | Dihaner Comedy Natok | Yes Power

গরু চোর দিহান | Goruchor Dihan | Dihan | দিহানের নাটক | Dihaner Comedy Natok | Yes Power

The main purpose of creating this is to increase public awareness. We raise social errors in each of our stories. We believe that from the point of view of the ballpoint, such a continent is created, the point of point creates a conscious Nagurg life from consciousness.
we make some short film,drama,comedy short film,music video,bangla natok,Bengali short film and art film

Thanks & don't forget to Subscribe #Yespower

Staring : Dihan
Cust : Dihan,Sneha,,Mukta ,sujon raja ,Mim,Alif ,Choto Alif ,Rupa ,labonno,
Story : Rupom Ruhul
Dop : Saiful Sharif
Edit : Imran Sharif
Prodactiong & Light : Rafiq
Director : Rupom Ruhul
Lavel : Yes Power

This story is a life-changing short film, just to entertain you a little bit, this video has been made, but we are sincerely sorry if it matches anyone's life in any way, it has nothing to do with real life. However, if anyone is suffering, we humbly apologize We only work for your entertainment, so if you like our story a little, be sure to subscribe to the channel.



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