Talore vs Thunderaan the Wind Seeker

Описание к видео Talore vs Thunderaan the Wind Seeker

I finally got my second binding and smelted my elementium, so here's my Prince Thunderaan kill to get my thunderfury. Soloed fairly easily, though I was wearing my bear suit because I didn't know how hard he would hit.

Yes, I'm a druid. No, I can't actually wield it.

I soloed Garr and his binding dropped the first time I managed to kill him. After I got my shaman to 80 and geared for healing I started 2-boxing MC, and the binding from Baron Geddon dropped the second week I killed him. Elementium Ore came from the auction house, and I farmed everything else and smelted the bars on my warior.

My armory achievements page, Thunderfury gained on 5-4-2009:


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