Feed Room Re-Stock - Vlog 18 - Beth Endurance

Описание к видео Feed Room Re-Stock - Vlog 18 - Beth Endurance

There's something very satisfying about filling a bin with new feed, don't you think? I love my feed bin, it was my 27th Birthday present (I'm so rock'n'roll). Before, I had individual metal bins that annoyingly only fit a bag and a half in, but this bad boy, it fits 3 bags in each compartment and it has 4, and it takes up less room than 4 individual bins, and can you tell I'm in love with it! Ha!

Then onto the point of choosing not to ride. This is something only two years ago I would struggle with. I plan my training in blocks of 6 weeks, each block has a core focus e.g. schooling, long work, balance work, speed work and the 6 week blocks make up the larger 3 month cycle of peaking for a competition and ultimately an end goal. Be it that season or in 5 years time. For instance my novice horse won't have any speed blocks and if I was prepping for a Championship I wouldn't have any schooling blocks (Although I do still school, it's not the main focus).

This was meticulously planned out in a training diary and recorded as I went along. Failure to do a training session resulted in everything having to be re-scheduled and I felt like a failure. I hadn't given myself any room for manoeuvre. Now though I've learnt from this mistake. I still have training blocks with a main focus but I only plan the actual day to day training a week ahead. If I need to move a session that's fine, If I don't want to do a session I ask myself 3 key questions:

Do I have a genuine reason for me or my horse not to do this?
Will I be able to give it 100%, would I do this better another day?
Is the environment safe to train in?

If I'm just being lazy and want to go watch tv on the sofa, I don't let myself bunk off. If I'm ill or feel angry and distracted then those would be genuine reasons. If I think the horse hasn't recovered from the last session as well as they should then I postpone. If windy weather means that branches may fall and I'll spend what should be a good training session spooking then I can do better another day. I'm kinder to myself, more realistic and softer in my approach to training.

It hasn't meant I don't have that edge, it's quite the opposite. I know people say the difference between failure and success is discipline, turning up, repeating to the best of your ability over and over until you get it right, suffer now, sweat and sacrifice = success etc. and it does but I now believe in training smart as well as hard.

Thanks for watching,


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