Voices of Impact: Ntombiyempi Ndlovu, Cookstove Beneficiary, Zimbabwe

Описание к видео Voices of Impact: Ntombiyempi Ndlovu, Cookstove Beneficiary, Zimbabwe

"Before I got the new stove, the three-stone fire was a danger to my children because it burnt my nephew's right hand twice when they were playing. Now that I have the new cookstove, there are no incidents like that" Ntombiyempi Ndlovu, Cookstove Beneficiary, Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe thousands of women cook their meals using inefficient three-stone fires, typically three-stone fires that burn solid biomass fuels, like wood & charcoal. They’re inefficient, unhealthy, dangerous, and a major contributor to carbon emissions worldwide. C-Quest Capital is providing these women with thermally efficient, clean cookstoves that are helping them to focus on leading healthier and happier lives.


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