(37) My approach to learning Raking

Описание к видео (37) My approach to learning Raking

In this video I talk about how I am working on improving one of my weakest skills in lockpicking: Raking! I take a similar approach to progressive pinning where I pin my practice lock to a bitting that is easy to rake, then repin it to a bitting that is a bit more difficult and so on.

One thing to note is that I don't talk about security pins in this video. I am no where near ready to record a video with those involved. Currently all the locks that I rake have standard driver pins so that I can focus on technique, then I can add in other challenging factors.

0:00 Intro
0:45 How the key bitting can effect the difficulty when raking.
1:04 Examples of bittings that make it easier to rake
2:43 Examples of bittings that are more challenging to rake
4:12 Preview of Lock Law Tools Increment Rakes I recently got
5:33 Bitting for the practice lock I am using
6:04 Let's get setup!
6:50 Let the raking begin!
6:59 It's open! (New best time!)
7:18 Bittings I starting with and progressing to
7:47 Outro

I am just a newbie in the locksport/lockpicking world. I am not a professional and only have been in this hobby for a few months at this point.

Let's keep lock sport legal! Only pick locks that you own and do not use!


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