SQS Using JAVA - Send, Receive And Delete data

Описание к видео SQS Using JAVA - Send, Receive And Delete data

Amazon Simple Queue Service or SQS is a highly scalable hosted messaging queue provided by Amazon Webservice stack. Amazon SQS can be used to completely decouple operations of different components within the system which otherwise exchange data to perform independent tasks. Amazon SQS also helps us in saving the data which would be lost in case the application is down or if one of the component becomes unavailable.

AWS session :    • Видео  

Configure aws credentials:    • Read and Write to S3 using cmd/aws-cli  

Download aws cli: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/lates...

Create aws account :    • Amazon cloud- Create a free account. ...  

Create users/generate access and secret key/ Configure credentials:    • Create multiple users under one accou...  

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