Cannabis Use and Safety In Connecticut as of July 2021

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Cannabis Use and Safety In Connecticut as of July 2021

Professor DeBacco

Connecticut Example
All Information presented is based of Cannabis Information provided by the State of Connecticut on July 1st-July 8th, 2021
This is only applicable for Connecticut and is subject to change at anytime, so please check your local and current regulations this is only intended to be used as a point in time general example.

Are there packaging or labeling standards for CBD and legal Delta products?
For products below the 0.3 percent dry-weight THC limit, all federal and state laws concerning labeling and packaging still apply to any food, drugs and dietary supplements, such as the Connecticut Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

Will cannabis products in the state-regulated market be safe?
This legislation imposes strong requirements for product safety.
Products will have to be lab tested and will have strict packaging and labeling standards.
Edible cannabis products are limited to 5 milligrams of THC per serving, and most other products are subject to a potency cap.
Products will be in child-safe packaging, and product types that appeal to children are banned.

How does the law keep our roads safe?
While there is no test for cannabis impairment like the breathalyzer that police use for alcohol, impairment can still be recognized via driver behavior on the road and through sobriety tests.
The law steps up police training on impaired driving and strengthens the impaired driving laws, which will help keep drivers impaired by any drug, not just cannabis, off the road.
Drivers who do not submit to a drug influence evaluation from a police officer trained as a Drug Recognition Expert may have their license suspended.

Where can I use cannabis?
Contact your city or town for more information. In general, you won't be able to smoke or vape cannabis anywhere you can't smoke or vape tobacco.
Cities and towns may enact ordinances to regulate whether and where cannabis can be consumed in public.
At home, landlords may prohibit smoking and vaping, but they generally may not prohibit possession or consumption of other forms of cannabis.

Cannabis use will be prohibited in state parks and on state beaches and waters.

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