New EDC Knife Arrivals For June: 4 Great Knives

Описание к видео New EDC Knife Arrivals For June: 4 Great Knives

*Lack of regard

*Real Apologies for the floating finger that appears in the top left about 3/4 of the way in. Usually I catch those before uploading but I put this one up rather hastily. It annoyed me enough whilst rewatching to ensure It wont ever get through the net again. So yea like I said, my bad, hope it isnt too distracting (its mildly peripheral, you cant see the whole finger, but you can see its 'aura', which is enough to distract).

Anyways, also currently reading up on a lot of Ultems background and chemical formation so that I can bring some more interesting info to the table about it other than 'pee'.

This is where Ive found that the knife world has spawned a complete myriad of offshoots that I now found myself interested in, which includes the history of steels used in knives and their evolution, metallurgy, and handle materials and what they were used as before they found their way onto knives (Micarta and G10 and all the rest have interesting back stories). Also some steels that are very premium ones were initially conceived to be machine parts, or ball bearings, before they made their way onto our current EDC roster.

could go on but wont, tl:dr Knife World Fascinating


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