Video Essay: "Anaphora: David Cronenbeg's COSMOPOLIS"

Описание к видео Video Essay: "Anaphora: David Cronenbeg's COSMOPOLIS"

A video essay exploring David Cronenberg's 2012 film starring Robert Pattinson. It is Cronenberg's first film since EXISTENZ to have the claustrophobic setting and scope of his early classics. For the accompanying text, visit the Notebook:
Our hero is a Brit masquerading as an American millionaire; everything is pliable and fake. The undeniably true only makes itself known after we spend time in realms of the unreal with men who define themselves by seeing their image in a beehive of data. When the data vanishes and they’re just skin and bone, reality, concrete physics, return. A bullet pierces skin, a life ends—money is not a tourniquet.

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