What is Karma

Описание к видео What is Karma

Ever wondered what Karma really is? Here is a video about that!
There can never really be a definitive answer to the question 'What is Karma' but this video hopefully is a start. Please leave any questions or comments below.

I'm trying to make videos that communicate the Dharma with images, humour and impact. I hope my videos contribute in some way to spreading the Dharma and helping establish the practice and understanding the Buddhist tradition in the modern world- but if nothing else they contribute to my own practice! If you want to support this work please go here:


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Made by www.londonexplainervideos.com
Written by Aryajit

With Thanks to Nagapriya, Maitreyabandhu, Sanghajit, Dharmajit, Jnanavaca, Maitrisingha, Jnanadaya, Maitrinara and Prajnaketu for their feedback and suggestions.

For more information visit:
for books on the subject.

Visit the thebuddhistcentre.com to find a Triratna Buddhist centre near you and other resources.

Also visit www.freebuddhistaudio.com for a host of talks on Karma and many other Buddhist subjects.


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