Footage of High Level Korean ADC Duel is just amazing... | Funny LoL Series

Описание к видео Footage of High Level Korean ADC Duel is just amazing... | Funny LoL Series

Here's a 662 Episode of Funny LoL Series featuring the best edited moments of League of Legends worlds. Please make sure to support streamers (timestamps written) :

Send your play to featured on the outro at :
Outro play sent by : Peter Lee
Channel :    / @peterlee7984  

0:00 Intro
0:05 Ambition
0:24 Kev1nTV
0:34 Tobias Fate
0:45 LL Stylish
1:03 Tyler1
1:28 The Baus FFS
1:43 Pobelter
1:55 Sanchovies
2:11 Ambition
2:31 Kat Evolved
2:46 TF Blade
3:14 Pink Ward LoL
3:40 Panunu LoL
3:55 King_Nidhogg
4:43 Mad Life
5:02 Azzapp
5:11 Bobqin XD
5:29 The Baus FFS
5:39 King_Nidhogg
5:51 Karasmai
6:17 Pink Ward LoL
6:32 Tyler1
6:51 LL Stylish
7:06 Adrian Riven
7:26 TF Blade
7:38 iPav
7:58 Bobqin XD
8:50 Pink Ward LoL
9:02 TF Blade
9:18 Adrian Riven
9:34 LL Stylish
9:50 Azzapp
10:0 The Baus FFS
10:48 Tyler1
11:05 Outro

  / lol_ambition  
  / kev1ntv  
  / tobiasfate  
  / llstylish  
  / loltyler1  
  / thebausffs  
  / pobelter  
  / sanchovies  
  / katevolved  
  / tfblade  
  / pinkwardlol  
  / panunulol  
  / king_nidhogg  
  / lol_madlife  
  / azzapp  
  / bobqinxd  
  / karasmai  
  / adrianriven  
  / ipav999  


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