Hightech meets handcraft: sugar beet breeding at KWS

Описание к видео Hightech meets handcraft: sugar beet breeding at KWS

Since its foundation in 1856, KWS has pursued the goal of offering farmers ever better seed and more efficient varieties. Over the years, plant breeding has constantly evolved. In addition to traditional crossing and selection, robots, drones, artificial intelligence, marker technology and genome analyses are used today. The experience and knowledge of our experts remain crucial. After all, the breeding of high-yielding and resistant varieties is a complex process. Our breeders need a good understanding of their breeding material and have to consider and develop strategies in advance. Then new methods and tools can be optimally utilised. Jens Lein, Head of Sugar Beet Breeding at KWS, explains how important that is: "In view of climate change, time is pressing to find breeding solutions for challenges such as drought stress, pests and plant diseases.”

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