Piano Chords - Augmented Chords - How to Figure Them out on a Piano

Описание к видео Piano Chords - Augmented Chords - How to Figure Them out on a Piano

Piano Chords - Augmented Chords - How to Figure Them out on a Piano
   • Piano Chords - Augmented Chords - How...  

Take some piano lessons from Scott Houston “The Piano Guy.” In this video, Scott shows you how to figure out the notes in any augmented chord on a piano, keyboard or organ.

Houston simply wants to help you teach yourself piano skills to get you having some fun at a piano as quickly as possible. He has had many folks ask him how to figure out what notes comprise a particular chord they come across while learning a particular tune. Today, he will share his easy method to figure out augmented chords with you.

An augmented chord can be written using the AUG symbol after a chord or with a plus sign such as: G AUG or G+.

In order to figure out the notes for any augmented chord you come across, Scott Houston first shares with you a formula and what a piano half step is. The formula for an augmented chord is R-4-4 .

He clearly demonstrates how to figure out, step by step, which notes comprise any minor chord. He walks through the process with 3 chords, both the C Augmented chord (C AUG or C+), the G augmented chord (G AUG or G+) and the Eb Augmented chord (Eb AUG or Eb+). By working through these three examples, you will learn the pattern to be able to figure out which notes comprise any augmented chord on your own.

The Piano Guy also includes a link to access a free chord chart that you can print out as a handy chord chart guide. Click below to download it:


Scott Houston is the host of The Piano Guy television series on Public Television and has taught hundreds of thousands of folks like yourself, how to have some fun on their piano or keyboard. He wants to help you get there too—as quickly as possible.

Sign Up Now For Scott's FREE Introductory Online Piano Course

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Scott "The Piano Guy" Houston, Emmy Award-Winning Host
of The Piano Guy and Music Makers on Public Television

Facebook: facebook.com/ThePianoGuy

Free webinar: www.pianoinaflash.com/3-secrets-webinar-registration-2h/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=channel&utm_campaign=description_webinar&utm_content=augmented_chords_how_to

   • Piano Chords - Augmented Chords - How...  

Piano Chords - Augmented Chords - How to Figure Them out on a Piano


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