Война, война: Шахин собирает пшеницу кочевым и традиционным способом и избиения Кодхода

Описание к видео Война, война: Шахин собирает пшеницу кочевым и традиционным способом и избиения Кодхода

#peren#bakhtiari #plerd#sholiz#doodra
In this video, Shahin and Kodkhoda deal with the wheat picking process in a nomadic and traditional way and show how this activity is done in the form of a village ceremony. Using traditional techniques and simple tools, they show how this process is done in nomadic societies. Also, different techniques and models of wheat picking may be taught in this video in a traditional and nomadic way.1. #Nomads
2. #Nomadic life
3. #Nomadic civilization
4. #Nomadic culture
5. #Nomadic people
6. #Zadgah_Ashayr
7. #Nomads_Prince
8. #tribe
9.# Nomadic residence
10. #Nomadic system
11. #cultural_heritage
12. #Nomadic ceremony
13. #Nomadic tradition
14. #Nomadic music
15. #Nomadic cover
16. #nomadic_wheat picker
17. #migration of nomads
18. #Nomadic livestock breeding
19. #Handicrafts of tribes
20. #Nomadic architecture


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