Microscopic study of strongly correlated synthetic quantum material

Описание к видео Microscopic study of strongly correlated synthetic quantum material

CQT Colloquium

Speaker: Zhen-Sheng Yuan, USTC
Abstract: Exploring the fundamental structure and basic laws of the universe constitutes an essential drive to physicists. Along with the achievements in laser cooling and implementation of Bose-Einstein condensate and quantum phase transitions in optical lattices, ultracold atoms become a unique system for quantum computation/simulation and precision measurement. We study strongly correlated synthetic quantum material with microscopic techniques for solving formidable tasks to the state-of-the-art supercomputers. Such tasks include quantum phase transition of strongly correlated quantum systems, the topological structure of multipartite entangled state [1-3] and lattice gauge theories [4-7].

1. Wei-Yong Zhang et al. Scalable multipartite entanglement created by spin exchange in an optical lattice. Physical Review Letters, 131(7):073401, 2023.
2. Bing Yang et al. Cooling and entangling ultracold atoms in optical lattices. Science, 369(6503):550, 2020.
3. Han-Ning Dai et al. Four-body ring-exchange interactions and anyonic statistics within a minimal toric-code hamiltonian. Nature Physics, 13(12):1195, 2017.
4. Wei-Yong Zhang et al. Observation of microscopic confinement dynamics by a tunable topological angle, arXiv: 2306.11794.
5. Zhao-Yu Zhou et al. Thermalization dynamics of a gauge theory on a quantum simulator. Science, 377(6603):311, 2022.
6. Bing Yang et al. Observation of gauge invariance in a 71-site bose–hubbard quantum simulator. Nature, 587(7834):392, 2020.
7. Han-Ning Dai et al. Generation and detection of atomic spin entanglement in optical lattices. Nature Physics, 12:783, 2016.


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