EVE Online | Top ratting ships

Описание к видео EVE Online | Top ratting ships

Ratting is one of the most profitable activities a capsuleer can undertake in New Eden. From the nimble Catalayst or Cormorant one can fly in his or her very first day as a capsuleer, to hunt asteroid battleships, to the gigantic supercarriers, there's ship and a fit for everyone.
However, in this video i won't cover the super cheap nor the super expensive and specialized ratting ships. Instead, i'll try to keep it in the middle and delve into what i consider to be some of the best ships at hand that offer the optimal mix of survivability, damage output, ease of use, and cost effectiveness.
But of course there are always better, cheaper and more specialized ships to consider, so please comment your thoughts, ideas and fits in the dedicated section.

Thanks for watching and if you like the video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel. Your feedback helps me a lot!
Fly safe and happy ratting!

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00:00 - Intro
01:41 - Ishtar
04:39 - Rattlesnake
07:36 - Dominix Navy Issue
10:19 - Conclusions


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