Kingdom Hearts Imagined | The Other Promise vs L'Oscurita dell'Ignoto Remix

Описание к видео Kingdom Hearts Imagined | The Other Promise vs L'Oscurita dell'Ignoto Remix

Luce Vuota - I refuse to move on Ansem. I want more heartless.

(I cannot find the name of the person who requested this remix, I remember it relating to Archangel, If you are out there let me know, this was a treat to work on, it took me a while but I'm glad I stuck to it, thank you.)

I was theorizing last night...
Vexen is Ice as much as Demyx is Water.

XII was seen again in a world full of Ice. A predictable return; men without hearts are very smart. Many things in Kingdom Hearts universe are the same thing but in different forms. So it may just be, as many others may suspect; The Master of Masters is only that which was shown; silent Lux, the singularity of yore, playing puppet master to an empty shell so that at least it has a voice and form.

This mystery is needed to keep us guessing and interested in a possibly dying tale. Perhaps his coat has always been as empty as the black box.

It stands to reason that fans are in a student to eastern guru situation. The harder you try to find meaning the simpler the answer becomes. However, The Book of Prophesy does matter and is perhaps the embodiment of the developers goals for the direction of this franchise. Their latest "Superior" character has the charisma to become a memorable staple after all without even needing a design. The Black Coat is perfection after all.

~"Meanwhile in my disturbingly obsessive fan dimension"~

Elevator Pitch Time!!!!

2 words:
Gummy Ship Cars.

Róxbian finds a curious emblem in the black box after he violently stole the torn page from Gula which revealed the box's whereabouts: They are called "Antibodies" - A selection of specialized emblem heartless who's mission is to stop the recompletion of nobodies. These heartless overpower even the strongest of nobodies. These 8 elites all hold a Keyblade of Heart with differing characteristics while keeping the same style.

A battle breaks out in Space Paranoids between Tron and a amalgamation of foreign and malignant code. - A virus. The code contains information on some never before seen humanoid heartless, an "informed" side project of Sark and the MCP that never reached fruition due to their defeat.

Eventually, Tron loses the battle and 8 of these heartless are spawned outside Hollow Bastion. Unknown to the current powers that be, these heartless seize the Land of Departure and revert it back to Castle Oblivion. The building now has protruding elements of the World of Chaos. These Heartless then crash Xehanorts perfect party.

All the characters deemed nobody at any given time are stabbed in the heart splitting them into their nobody self and are dragged back to Castle Oblivion. (Guts Lea) All the heartless that form from the event, or are deemed Heartless-adjacent at any point are immediately overpowered and sent to the absolute pits of the realm of darkness. (Ansem SoD, Sora, Both Rikus, Terra, Aqua, Vanitas,.... Scar(thx Pete) etc.) The nobody characters now trapped in twisted pods of sleep remain in stasis, however their strength finds the way into special weapons + cards.

Masterminding this whole thing, Róxbian the new Lord of the Castle has trashed the place and created a racetrack within the castle boundaries. He is very immature. The Antibodies appear loyal to Róxbian on the surface but he was just being used to locate the whereabouts of nobodies. He's their puppet. The collective power of the nobodies is used to fuel up a weapon of mass destruction promising the fall of the entire universe into red nothingness. The Master of Masters is nowhere to be seen...

Róxbian becomes the Final Boss after all 8 shadows merge with him against his will creating the 9th Antibody. When all hope is lost, Demyx the only one obviously having evaded capture comes to the rescue by breaking Vexen free.


YenSid gets a letter from Maleficent who has also discovered the black box in a different time, shining a light on the situation. In her box lies the truth and secret to defeating the Antibodies. Velocity. They work together but she as usual has other plans.

The playable characters are the FF gang at hollow bastion + Unlockables such as King Mickey, Maleficent, Donald, Goofy.

In the end, this is all a fever dream of MoM so when he wakes up, Its all forgotten in the end.

... I need to get out.

Video made in:
Original compositions and melodies by Yoko Shimomura. Kingdom Hearts is a property of Square-Enix and Disney. This channel features fan-made work and is not affiliated with official Kingdom Hearts media.


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