Aigo Jolla Tablet - Sailfish 2.x vs 3.x comparison

Описание к видео Aigo Jolla Tablet - Sailfish 2.x vs 3.x comparison

A video where two identical Aigo Tablet are tested, doing some tasks, like opening apps, closing with swipe down gestures, news screen, etc.

It seem that Sailfish Os 3 can open the window app more fast, but in some case, the total time in order to have a ready app or a full webpage is the same.

The new topbar is cool, but impact on the swipe-from-top gesture, that's now a bit laborious to do (before it was fullscreen).

A final opinion is that in Sailfish OS 3 there is nothing for the tablets, also the news screen loses the nice two-column layout it had since 2.x release.

Note: The music in background was Justin Timberlake in 'Man of the Woods', its latest album.


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