Who Should Project Manage an Extension? ASB #21

Описание к видео Who Should Project Manage an Extension? ASB #21

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Chris Evans is buying a house and wants to fit a new bathroom. He's watched our videos and wants to make sure the bathroom is waterproof.

David Kilvington has a new combi boiler (ATAG 36kw) installed in his utility room and noticed that if he uses any of the downstairs appliances (taps, washing machine or toilet), that the combi will turn on after the water is shut off. How can he fix this?

Lee Hanson is looking at having a large extension to the rear of his house and has had an architect onboard from the very beginning. He had intended to contract the architect to see him through the construction but has struggled through the tender process as many builders and building firms seemed to be pricing themselves out of the job and he didn't understand why.

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