EU Clusters Talks: Global Perspectives on Cluster Policies: Insights from Non-EU Countries

Описание к видео EU Clusters Talks: Global Perspectives on Cluster Policies: Insights from Non-EU Countries

Clusters are essential elements in the economic and social development of any country. Thanks to cluster policies, activities of industrial clusters can be structurally supported in areas such as innovation, technological development, entrepreneurship, and skills. Just as there is substantial activity and support for clusters within the EU, there is also significant commitment and potential in non-EU countries. Learning from non-EU cluster policy approaches can help and inspire the cluster development in Europe and gives new insights into possible lines of cluster support. The European Cluster Collaboration Platform offers several reports on non-EU Cluster Policies, including the “Summary report on cluster policies and programmes across Europe and priority third countries” and the “Country Factsheets”. By leveraging international collaboration and learning from each other, stronger and more resilient economies can be built.

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organised the EU Clusters Talk “Global Perspectives on Cluster Policies: Insights from Non-EU Countries” on 26 June, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to give an overview of global tendencies, present examples of cluster policies from non-EU countries, and discuss learning opportunities to enrich our European clusters policies.

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