Guide To Title Update 5 | MH Rise : Sunbreak

Описание к видео Guide To Title Update 5 | MH Rise : Sunbreak

I am your safari-master on this exploration into what the Title Update 5 for Monster Hunter Rise : Sunbreak has to offer you, now that I've run through most of it. Amatsu, Risen Shagaru Magala, new decorations both regular and rampage, and two new skills in Heaven Sent and Frenzied Bloodlust. Also Qurio Talismans, but I don't touch on it much.

I probably won't do a proper in depth guide for either monster as, unlike the risen rocket dragon, I don't think it's necessary. Most of the moves are fairly manageable.

If I missed anything, let me know below.


0:00 Intro
0:59 Rewards
4:39 Qurio Talismans
5:00 Anomaly Level Extension
6:03 Abridged Guide : Amatsu
8:36 Abridged Guide : Risen Shagaru
11:06 Closing Remarks

Music Credits (In Order of Appearance)

FF7 Soundtrack (Nobuo Uematsu) - Costa Del Sol
Otis McDonald - We Cruisin'
Underbelly - Bodega
Persona 3 OST - During The Test
Bomberman 64 OST - Blue Resort Theme

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