5 Animals That Have Night Vision | Animal Kingdom

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5 animals that have night vision | Animal Kingdom

This video is on 5 animals that have night vision. Despite the fact that human eyes are complicated and strong organs, there are a few animals that outperform us when it comes to eye sight. Many animals that can see at night.
Owls take home the prize for having excellent night vision.
Cats have night vision. In the dark, when there is little to no light available, tarsiers forage for insects, tiny lizards, and birds, among other prey. American Cockroach has the night vision. Do you ever find yourself wondering, "Why are goat eyes rectangular?" when you look lovingly into your goats' eyes? Because of their uniquely modified eyesight, they can see in the dark. The goat's eyes can rotate and manipulate their environment while they are vulnerable, which allows them to see better while grazing.

#AnimalKingdom #animalswithnightvision #animalsthatcanseeatnight #Owlsnightvision #AmericanCockroachnightvision


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