My Recurrent Miscarriage Test Results - Part 2

Описание к видео My Recurrent Miscarriage Test Results - Part 2

My abnormal results from these tests:
🧪Low LAD
🧪Th1/Th2 Ratio
🧪Borderline NK Cells

My abnormal results from before:
🧪Protein S deficiency
🧪Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 4g/5g polymorphism
🧪MTHFR Heterozygous for C677T

🧪LAD test:

✅ Normal Results: Normal results indicate that you have tested positive for leukocyte antibodies in your bloodstream. A normal LAD level is above 50%.
❇️ Borderline Normal: Borderline normal results mean that you do have leukocytes antibodes in your blood, but in less than typical quantities. A measurement between 30% and 50% is considered borderline.
❎ Abnormal Results: Abnormal results indicate very low levels of leukocyte antibodies in the bloodstream. Levels of less than 30% are considered abnormal.

📚 Inhibition of binding of anti-CD3 antibodies to paternal lymphocytes correlates with failure of immunotherapy for treatment of recurrent spontaneous abortions
🖋️ Gilman-Sachs et al., 1990

🔪 NK Cells:

📚 Increased Natural Killer‐Cell Activity is Associated with Infertile Women
🖋️ MATSUBAYASHI Et al., 2008

🦠 Th1:Th2 Cytokines:

📚 Higher Th1/Th2 ratio found in recurrent miscarriage and infertility
🖋️ Kwak-Kim, Lee, Gilman-Sachs, 2009

📚 The Expression of Th1‐ and Th2‐Related Chemokine Receptors in Women with Recurrent Miscarriage: the Impact of Lymphocyte Immunotherapy
🖋️ Kheshtchin Et al., 2010

🤓 If you'd like further reading on immune testing, Dr Kwak-Kim wrote a great article here:

#RepeatPregnancyLoss #ReproductiveImmunology


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