Why You Wouldn't Survive Gears of Wars Lambency Infection

Описание к видео Why You Wouldn't Survive Gears of Wars Lambency Infection

The Gears universe only gets worse after Armageddon with the Locust as we explore how the Lambency Infection will pretty much finish us off in our first ever episode returning to an explored universe!

___Social Media!___
Discord: :   / discord  
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2ybo5xi
Twitch:   / w0wsuchgaming  
Twitter:   / wow_such_gaming  
PATREON: http://bit.ly/2wo2GfI

___Friends Channels!___
Cake Slayer: http://bit.ly/2wnzohu
DJ Timevoid: http://bit.ly/2xPaCKv
Nanogerm:    / godnickl  
Beejie Bean: http://bit.ly/2xQcymk
Wow Such Gaming streams: http://bit.ly/2yc1XCV

___Music Talents!___
Background Music (Gears of War OST) by:
Kevin Riepl and the Northwest Sinfonia
Ending theme track- Run on by Zack Haygood:
  / zack.haygood.9  


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