
Описание к видео Resolution

Thanks ‪@TableTopComposer‬ for this interesting challenge!


The flow of the piece was supposed to be (and turned out to be) something like this:
1. battle going badly
2. battle going worse than bad
3. did we just lose?
4. reinforcements arrive and the day is saved.

From the start I knew that I wanted to draw as much of a contrast to the moment between the battle being lost and the reinforcements arriving. To achieve this, I started with a relatively melancholic sounding battle music and progressed into downright hopelessness, the idea being that anything coming after the hopeless part would sound a bit more pleasing (and if we put an inspiring, positive, epic OST after it, it would amplify the effect of hope returning).

I have never really composed fast arpeggios but I challenged myself to do that and to my surprise they fit the piece really well.

For the reinforcements part I knew that French horns and choirs were the key to signifying the coming of heroes. In addition, since the piece is in C minor, for the reinforcements I intentionally used an ascending chord progression, two strong Major chords (D# and G#) as well as using the diminished G# chord for half a bar that resolves in to the G# Major which sounds really nice.

My criticism of the piece is that it lacks woodwinds (as do all my compositions) and that the choirs could have used the east west world builder to their advantage. The piece could have also benefitted from more concise counter melodies.

Total running time: 92s.


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