Progress on my Monolithic Dome Home

Описание к видео Progress on my Monolithic Dome Home

Note: In the video I mentioned a price tag for the dome of $255k. That amount was out of date. The final price was $266,563.00.

It's been a long time coming but about one month ago Nathan South and some of his sons, with Ben South and two of their employees, began work to erect my monolithic dome home shell. It took them about a month. Next, my local GC, Dave Clark at Christensen Construction, will continue work to make it habitable.

Up until October 2021 I had a job working for the State of Washington to save taxpayers money. But then Gov. Jay Inslee issued his get jabbed or get fired mandate, so at age 68 with 20 years on the job, I retired. Under protest.

Unfortunately, the county staff person who understood monolithic domes retired, so the permitting process was slow and they require things that, on these domes, are unnecessary.

You can learn more about monolithic domes, South Industries and this particular dome at the links below. The Dometastic link is to a blog for a family in Connecticut that got the same basic floor plan built more than a year ago. Their version is somewhat different, but generally the same.

South Industries Menan, Idaho

Monolithic Dome Institute

Dometastic - A South Dome in Connecticut


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