Slingshot... What I REALLY think after 300 miles

Описание к видео Slingshot... What I REALLY think after 300 miles

I have now had this 2022 Slingshot SL for the last week and have logged nearly 400 miles (300 as I filmed this video). It was an absolute blast. I also want to thank ‪@RobDahm‬ for making me appreciate what the slingshot is and really who it is for. It was in his last 4 Rotor shakedown video (link below this word vomit) as he was pounding through that ridiculously amazing sequential gearbox specifically the audio that made me get off the couch and go for a drive in the Slingshot. It truly is the affordable and more practical everyday hooning car / motorcylce / gocart machine.

   • Never thought the AWD 4 Rotor shakedo...  

(Also just to be clear, by no way am I tying Rob Dahm to the slingshot in any endorsing way. It's very possible he hates these things. I am merely thanking and tipping the cap to another YouTuber, who through his content helped provide me context for mine. I think they call that inspiration)

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#Gears #Polaris #Slingshot


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