Signs that your breastfed baby is hungry - Dr.Deanne Misquita of Cloudnine Hospitals|Doctors’ Circle

Описание к видео Signs that your breastfed baby is hungry - Dr.Deanne Misquita of Cloudnine Hospitals|Doctors’ Circle

Just like humans, babies also signal for feeding. They give us certain signals like rooting like when you touch the babies on the side of their mouth, they put their tongue out, look around for the breast, try to search of the nipple. But if these cues are not listened to, the babies starts crying so do not wait for the baby to start crying to signal that the baby is hungry. Take the baby initially and feed the baby. So I the early days atleast around 8 to 10 times an average baby would feed at an average of atleast 8 to 10 hours.


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