
Описание к видео 元NMB48山田菜々、“超高校級のゲーマー”を熱演!舞台「スーパーダンガンロンパ2」ゲネプロ 


 舞台「スーパーダンガンロンパ2 THE STAGE ~さよなら絶望学園~」のゲネプロが12月2日、東京都内で行われ、主演の横浜流星さん、いしだ壱成さん、元NMB48の山田菜々さん、鈴木拡樹さんが登場。

 舞台「スーパーダンガンロンパ2 THE STAGE ~さよなら絶望学園~」は、“学級裁判”で相手の矛盾を論破し、殺人事件の犯人を暴いていく人気ゲームを原作に、主人公・苗木誠を俳優の本郷奏多さんが演じた舞台「ダンガンロンパ THE STAGE~希望の学園と絶望の高校生~」の続編。


"Former NMB48’s member Nana Yamada enthusiastically performs “gamer of super high school level” ! Costume rehearsal of play “Danganronpa 2”

The costume rehearsal of the play “Danganronpa 2: THE STAGE ~ Goodbye Despair ~” was held in Tokyo on December 2nd, with the appearance of main actor Ryusei Yokohama, Issei Ishida, former NMB48’s member Nana Yamada and Hiroki Suzuki.

This play is a subsequent sequel to the play ""Danganronpa The Stage: The Academy of Hope and the High School Student of Despair"" (starring actor Kanata Hongo), which is adapted from a famous game, where player can dismiss any contradiction of the other party at a ""school court"" and exposes the murderer.


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