Rapidly Rebuild Your Soil Health Part 4: Become a Soil Health Expert!

Описание к видео Rapidly Rebuild Your Soil Health Part 4: Become a Soil Health Expert!

Are you ready for a new stream of income? Learn how to become a soil health expert from the soil food web consultants!
✅ Learn about discounts on our Soil Regeneration Classes 👉 https://promo.soilfoodweb.com/

Come along and meet some of the Consultants, Compost Producers and Microscopists who have trained with Dr. Elaine Ingham and who are out there helping farmers to make the transition to regenerative agriculture. If you are looking for a new, impactful career, this is a great opportunity to interact with some of the people who have launched their new careers in the last 5 years. If you’re a farmer, rancher or grower, this is an opportunity to discuss some of the problems you’re facing and to meet some of the experts who might be able to support you. As always, we’ll have a lengthy Q&A session, so please come prepared with your questions.


Brian came from a background in IT and now runs a successful consultancy (Sprouting Soils) in California.

Keisha came from a background in massage therapy and Permaculture and now co-owns a successful compost production business (Catalyst BioAmendments) in California.

Casey’s background is Permaculture. He spent several years teaching and now co-owns Catalyst BioAmendments with Keisha.

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The Soil Food Web School’s mission is to empower individuals and organizations to regenerate the soils in their communities. The Soil Food Web Approach can dramatically accelerate soil regeneration projects by focussing on the soil biome. This can boost the productivity of farms, provide super-nutritious foods, protect and purify waterways, and reduce the effects of Climate Change. No background in farming or biology is required for our Foundation Courses. Classes are online & self-paced, and students are supported by highly-trained Soil Food Web School mentors.

Over the last four decades, Dr. Elaine Ingham has advanced our knowledge of the Soil Food Web. An internationally-recognized leader in soil microbiology, Dr. Ingham has collaborated with other scientists and with farmers around the world to further our understanding of how soil organisms work together and with plants. Dr. Ingham is an author of the USDA's Soil Biology Primer and a founder of the Soil Food Web School.

#SoilHealth #SoilRegeneration #SoilCareers


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