Описание к видео COLORS OF MY JOURNEY - Zamami

Zamami est une île sublime au large d'Okinawa, j'y ai séjourné en mission secrète il y a 1 an et demi pour Issey Miyake. Avec le new Aurélien Guichard, j'ai depuis, créé pour eux de Parfums-Couleurs qui vient de sortir. je vous raconte tout sur le blog

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Zamami is a paradise island in Okinawa archipelago. these video is part of my creative color picking process : because i was sent there to work and create colors for Issey Miyake! together with the nose Aurélien Guichard, my secret mission was to create a collection of 4 ephemeral Color-Fragrance... i tell you everything on the blog. come!

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Don’t hesitate also to come to the blog and discover all my texts and reflections about my
exploration of life. And also benefit from the whole community debating all the time! Come and enjoy and share !


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