The Flatwoods Monster | The Saucer Life /w Aaron Gulyas

Описание к видео The Flatwoods Monster | The Saucer Life /w Aaron Gulyas

#ufo #aliens #FlatwoodsMonster

The Flatwoods Monster appeared in Braxton County, West Virginia in September 1952, at the tail end of a summer full of flying saucers all over the United States. The bizarre sighting drew the attention of people from established saucer figure Donald Keyhoe to neophyte Gray Barker and, even today, the brief incident remains a tourist touchstone in the small community. Join us as we look at the earliest reports and spend some time tracing the development of the legend of the Flatwoods Monster.

Check out the Braxton County Convention and Visitors Bureau which is keeping the legend of the monster alive:

Joe Nickell's article on the monster is here:

Frank Feschino's writings on the monster can be found at his site:

For more on the monster, listen to investigator and biologist Ivan Sanderson discuss the Flatwoods Monster on Long John Nebel's Party Line radio show, November 25, 1956. It's track 9 on at the High Strangeness Guide at the Internet Archive.


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