藝苑掇英 Christian Leberecht Vogel 克里斯蒂安·萊貝雷特·沃格爾 (1759-1916) Painter Germany

Описание к видео 藝苑掇英 Christian Leberecht Vogel 克里斯蒂安·萊貝雷特·沃格爾 (1759-1916) Painter Germany

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Christian Leberecht Vogel German painter, draughtsman and art theoretician, part of a family of painters, father of Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein. He studied with Johann Eleazar Schenau (1737-1806) in Dresden and at the Dresden Akademie.
From 1780 he worked for the Saxon nobility in the Muldenland, including (until 1804) Friedrich Magnus, Graf von Solms, at Schloss Wildenfels, near Zwickau. He not only painted portraits of his employers, but also taught their children drawing. His portraits of children were especially popular, e.g. the Master's Sons (1793; Coburg, Schloss). He exhibited in Dresden and in 1800 became a member of the Dresden Akademie, where he was appointed professor in 1814.
Because his works have been largely in private ownership, his extensive oeuvre is not completely known. His portraits, transitional between Enlightenment Rococo and classicist Romanticism, have a somewhat sentimental, genre quality. Their emotive transfiguration of childhood is thoroughly bourgeois and anticipates the intimacy of Biedermeier art. The technical quality of his work is exceptionally high, being based on the traditions of the Dresden school.
克里斯蒂安·萊貝雷特·沃格爾 德國畫家,製圖員和藝術理論家,畫家家族成員,卡爾·克里斯蒂安·沃格爾·馮·沃格爾斯坦的父親。他曾在德累斯頓和德累斯頓學院與Johann Eleazar Schenau(1737-1806)一起學習。
從1780年開始,他就在Muldenland的撒克遜貴族工作,包括(直到1804年)在Zwickau附近的Schloss Wildenfels的Friedrich Magnus,Graf von Solms。他不僅畫了雇主的肖像,還教他們的孩子畫畫。他的兒童肖像特別受歡迎,例如大師的兒子(1793;科堡,宮)。他在德累斯頓展出,並在1800年成為德累斯頓Akademie的成員,並於1814年被任命為教授


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