Taliban mount counter-offensive, recapture 3 districts as Panjshir resistance refuses to surrender

Описание к видео Taliban mount counter-offensive, recapture 3 districts as Panjshir resistance refuses to surrender

Taliban fighters have mounted a counter-offensive against Panjshir resistance. Three districts which were captured by resistance forces earlier have been recaptured by Taliban. Taliban spokesman: districts of Bano, Deh Saleh, Pul-e-Hesar have been cleared of enemy forces. After recapturing districts, Taliban fighters are now positioned in areas outside Panjshir valley. Taliban have virtually besieged Panjshir but reports say that fighting has come to a halt. Resistance forces led by Ahmad Massoud & Amrullah Saleh have refused to surrender to the Taliban. Both have rallied hundreds of fighters to take on the Taliban in and outside Panjshir. Ahmad massoud had said that he is open to talks but will resist the Taliban if it enters Panjshir. Panjshir valley is a traditional anti-Taliban bastion which never fell to islamist militants. Taliban say talks are underway for a peaceful takeover of Panjshir valley, but gave no further details.


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