Cini Remote V2

Описание к видео Cini Remote V2

Our NEW Cini Remote V2 wireless remote control and display is compatible with your Cinetape™, ARRI™ UDM, or Ward Sniper MK-3. The Cini Remote V2 provides Wireless Remote Control of Sensitivity and Film-Plane Offset for your Cinetape™ and ARRI™ UDM as well as these features:

-Wireless Readout for CineTape™, ARRI™ UDM, Ward Sniper MK-3, and more !
-Film-Plane Offset Remote Control for CineTape™, Arri™ UDM
-Sensitivity Adjust Remote Control CineTape™, Arri™ UDM
-Display Brightness Level Adjustment
-900 MHz of 868MHz Spread Spectrum technology
-FCC part 15 compliant (approved wireless device)
-7 to 30 volts power
-3500 foot Line of Sight range
-7 Encrypted Channels (can use multiple units on the same location)


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