How to Fill Out the Common Application [2019-2020]

Описание к видео How to Fill Out the Common Application [2019-2020]

The Common App is here! Our expert college admissions counselor John guides you through how to fill out the new Common Application at for the 2019-2020 admissions cycle. If you have questions, post them in the comments below!

Whether you’re applying to college for the first time or looking to complete your degree, Common App will help you reach new heights.

Marco's dynamic, video-based courses can help you take control of your AP® study plan and prepare you for test day. Our courses offer high-quality videos, helpful study guides, drills, and up to 6 full-length practice tests with explanations.

Marco Learning is committed to providing the best, most complete resources for AP® students, their parents, and teachers. Experienced in the classroom, at the kitchen table, and within the test preparation industry, our teachers bring decades of AP® expertise to you, no matter where you are.


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