How to Draw cyberpunk 2077 | V male | step by step From Scratch | game character drawing

Описание к видео How to Draw cyberpunk 2077 | V male | step by step From Scratch | game character drawing

Hi there
V male (cyberpunk 2077)
I finally finished my new took me a long time because of some reason and the hardness of drawing that... I'm really sorry for delay and if there is any incorrect points in my drawing please tell me, I'll be happy to hear you friends... I wanted to draw V female, but I thought the man one is more popular than woman one…if I'm wrong tell I want your eyes to watch my new video and leave a comment and if you liked my channel please share this video with your friends and subscribe me
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●what to draw next?
thanks and
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my Instagram =   / drawwithme.d.w.m  


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