Our C-Section Experience | 4th Baby Born Via Cesarean *not graphic*

Описание к видео Our C-Section Experience | 4th Baby Born Via Cesarean *not graphic*

Autism Family Full Time RV Life Traveling USA

Baby Levi is born via Cesarean / C-Section in this video! He is our 4th and final baby! We were so nervous and excited at the same time! Everything went much better than we could have imagined. It's so surreal to us that we are having a 4th child after our 1st was born with severe autism. Yes SEVERE because she cannot speak, no sense of danger and she has trouble using the bathroom on her own! Many parents who have their 1st child with a disability typically and sadly don't have anymore children. We are so blessed to not be terrified to have a 4th baby! Please keep in mind our videos are about a month behind for 2 main reasons.

1. Safety
2. Trying to keep up with life!


🧑 Chris (Dad) 👩 Manda (Mom)

🙋‍♀️ Melia 12 Yrs Old Non Verbal More Severe Autism
(Melia was also diagnosed with Celiac Disease at age 4.)

🙋‍♂️ Isaac 5 Yrs Old High Functioning Autism

👱‍♀️ Aubrey 10 Yrs Old "Neurotypical"

👶 Levi 1 Month Old

🐶 Punzel (Autism Service Dog)

Thanks so much for Watching!!!!

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