2-5 Fire/Poison lazy rotation 920m-1b/hr (Reboot GMS)

Описание к видео 2-5 Fire/Poison lazy rotation 920m-1b/hr (Reboot GMS)

Kinda scuffed video but whatever

Didn't really annotate/voice the video because I assumed most people want the text version/numbers anyway.
Got 920m/hr in the 6 min BA but I blame the respawn rate/server lag (east coast ping + prime hours)

Average is 950m/hr doing this rotation fully buffed, screenshot of 1 hr BA is at the end of the video
Meso buffs:
WAP, Legion Meso, Wings of Fate, Phantom lvl 200 legion block, 20% meso IA
~24k kills/hr

How I set up my rotation:
1. Set up Creeping Toxin closer to left side of the middle, the more left the better since you can cover the bottom right by just existing with inferno aura
2. Pick a spot on the right for afk (I usually just sit beside the 2nd ladder on the ground so I don't hang on it by accident from up teleporting)

Lucid rotation:
3. Set up lucid soul on the 1st platform above ground (covers the top 2 plats, especially if your soul one shots -- summon lucid one platform higher if it's 2 shotting)
3. I loot after resummoning lucid soul - meteor shower if you need to clear the left side and loot, resummon creeping toxin while you're left side
4. Teleport back to the base position
5. Once lucid soul is 9-11 seconds left (depends on your mercedes legion and corsair block) - poison nova once on spawn, clear bottom, dot punisher next respawn, then by that time, lucid soul should come back up again
5. Loot left side after lucid respawn, repeat

While Lucid is up, poison chain off cd and flame sweep when the mobs respawn

(Note: I resummon creeping toxin out of force of habit since when I afk, I don't pay attention to lucid soul all the time and it's the biggest impact to rate -- you can get away with resummoning it with lucid soul)


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