भक्तपुर महोत्सव २०८१ को तयारी अन्तिम चरणमा | Bhaktapur Municipality | मंसिर २८ देखि पुस २ गते सम्म

Описание к видео भक्तपुर महोत्सव २०८१ को तयारी अन्तिम चरणमा | Bhaktapur Municipality | मंसिर २८ देखि पुस २ गते सम्म

#bhaktapur #bhaktapurmunicipality #bhaktapurfestival2081 #trendingshorts

Bhaktapur is a cultural city rich in historical heritages, culture, newari traditions, traditional dances, cuisine and arts. Bhaktapur Municipality is preserving heritages, culture and tradition of Bhaktapur.
Bhaktapur Municipality is organizing Bhaktapur Festival 2081 from 28th Mangsir to 2nd Poush for long 5 days. Different cultural shows, kids attractions, traditional music, food festival, local business are main attraction of the Bhaktapur Festival 2081 which will be held on every wards of the municipality.

Entire video is recorded and edited on iPhone 11 pro.

Bhaktapur Municipality
Bhaktapur Festival 2081
cultural city Bhaktapur
heritage site
traditional city

Every content is original and videos are recorded by APLAM Official.
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