My vertical tower farm greenhouse update | King Tower Farm (2023)

Описание к видео My vertical tower farm greenhouse update | King Tower Farm (2023)

Finally ready to show everyone what we have done to update King Tower Farm, its been way to long, we have had so many delays, plan changes, issues we had to overcome and after about 1 year of renovations were finally back in our beta testing phase. We decided to activate 3 towers so that we can see how the new green house is working and I must say the test plants look so promising but we have some minor yellowing of the plants which I think we can cure with a formulation change. In this video I go over the whole system with how the new pump circulation and cooling system works, I show you some of our test crops and we even test some of the leaves of the basil and dill to show you how fresh our crops are. I am so happy to finally share this and move forward from all the headaches that we have had. This 2023 King Tower Farm will be a full fledge producing farm. So if you need a private grower please let me know so we can try to supply you with our produce. So over the next few months we will still be testing more and more samples so that we have a clear list on the items we can grow in our systems.

I am Angie Mead King, a transwoman from the Philippines who just loves fast things. I am the CEO for Car Porn Racing, Classic Speed Inc, Hotel Ava, and King Tower Farm. Follow me on my crazy car adventures and weekly life and please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and ring the notification bell. I try to upload once a week!

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