According to Grace - A Sermon on Romans 11:1-6

Описание к видео According to Grace - A Sermon on Romans 11:1-6

In this sermon on Romans 11:1-6 titled “According to Grace,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on how this is relevant to the present time. He speaks of an authority that is always based on the word of God, not the authority of a person or prophet. The example of Elijah is given that the Christian might learn from him. He teaches about the doctrine of the remnant and how the rejection of Israel was not complete or total in its scope. There are many arguments that display this including Paul’s own conversion. God preserves His remnant out of the whole group to show that election is entirely from God’s grace. All have sinned and are saved only by this grace and not any human works. Christians are saved in spite of themselves. There is a new identity given to God’s people through the instruction of His word. Christians are encouraged to not judge circumstances by patterns of people but to judge them by the word of God. God’s great comfort rests in His promises and He will keep His church going and maintain the remnant. Thank God for the doctrine of the remnant according to the election of grace.


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